Placenta Encapsulation FAQS

Let us help make encapsulating your placenta an easy process for you. We know that you may have multiple questions and concerns. Please read through the FAQs but feel free to contact us via email for any additional information. 

How many pills will I get?

The total amount of capsules often depends on the volume of the placenta. The choice of encapsulation method will also affect the final count. The raw method yields more pills. 

From experience, the average placenta will produce 140 to 200 capsules. 

How long do the capsules last?

On average, placenta capsules have a 1-2 year shelf life if stored properly.

After two weeks, transfer remaining capsules into a ziplock bag, and store in the back of the freezer to extend shelf life. 


How do I take the capsules?

You will receive full instructions regarding dosage with your order. 


What sanitation precautions are taken?

Safety and hygiene are paramount with any kind of placenta preparation. The methods we use consist of rigorous sanitation standards.

We have dedicated supplies and equipment. They are all stainless steel, glass, food grade plastic and when possible, disposable, discarded after one use.

All submersible equipment is washed in hot water with antibacterial soap, then sanitized in a bleach solution and air dried. Antiviral and antibacterial solutions are used for the non-submersible equipment.

We operate under strict Food Safety Guidelines and are licensed for Food Handling under New York State. 

We also operate under the guidelines of Bloodborne Pathogen Safety, certified in Bloodborne Pathogen Training for Doulas and Placenta Encapsulators with Biologix Solutions.


Is it ok to encapsulate after:

Delayed or Immediate Cord Clamping

Yes, you can encapsulate no matter when you decide to clamp the cord. 


Having an Epidural / C-Section

Yes, it is not a contraindication. The placenta filters out medication quickly. 

I encapsulate placentas for people who have epidurals, spinals, c-sections, & inductions.


Having a Waterbirth

It is common for providers to ask the birthing person to leave the pool to birth the placenta. 

It is safe to encapsulate, even if it’s birthed in the water. If the water is not in good condition, the Raw Method may not be suitable and it’s recommended for the placenta to be steamed to make sure all bacteria are eliminated.


A Lotus Birth

No, a lotus birth requires the placenta staying attached until the umbilical cord falls off naturally. This happens between 5 and 15 days. The placenta would be unsuitable for consumption. 


There Was Meconium in The Bag of Waters 

Yes. Meconium is only dangerous if it gets inhaled into the infant’s lungs, but is otherwise sterile. The placenta is thoroughly rinsed before the encapsulation process begins. A vinegar bath may be applied. The food safe temperatures of steaming and/or dehydrating eliminate any remaining bacteria.


I tested positive for Group B Strep

Yes. The placenta can still be encapsulated as the high heat of steaming and/or dehydration will eliminate any remaining bacteria.


The Placenta Was Sent to Pathology 

No. Once the placenta goes to the lab, there is a chance that the placenta has been contaminated with chemicals, that the equipment used for examination has not been properly sterilized, & that the placenta gets lost.

If your placenta needs to be tested for any reason, ask your provider to take a piece in front of you to examine while the rest is properly stored in your room for encapsulation. 


Cord Banking 

Yes, you can do both. You will need to voice your wishes to keep the placenta for encapsulation to the company you are using, and therefore to have it handled as a food product at the time of cord blood collection.


I Had Pre-eclampsia

Yes, pre-eclampsia is NOT a contraindication for encapsulation. After the birth your placenta will be examined routinely for irregularities and problems. If your care provider detect an issue or infection in the placenta, it will be sent to pathology and therefore it will not be possible to encapsulate


Having Placenta Previa

Yes. This has no effect on the ability to encapsulate the placenta.


Having Gestational Diabetes

Yes. Whether diet-controlled or insulin-controlled, this does not affect the ability to encapsulate the placenta.


Having My Placenta Frozen

If your placenta was stored properly immediately after birth and also properly frozen, ideally within 24 hours from the birth and up to 4 days of proper storage in the refrigerator, then it is safe to encapsulate for up to six months after the birth.


My Baby Prematurely Born

Depending on the level of prematurity, the placenta may still be used. Smaller babies typically have smaller placentas, so the amount of capsules will be less than that of an average full term baby.


Having Twins or Triplets



When it is NOT possible to encapsulate a placenta?

  • Chemically contaminated placentas in pathology, either sanitizing or preserving.
  • Placentas that have sat out longer than 4-5 hours at room temperature post birth with no preservation methods.
  • Placentas that have sat in the refrigerator for more than 4-5 days without being frozen.
  • Uterine infections or chorioamnionitis ( an inflammation of the fetal membranes due to bacterial infection)
  • Heavy drug usage.
  • Heavy smoking during pregnancy.
  • Cancer of the placenta, which is called choriocarcinoma.


Is anything else added into the capsules besides the placenta?

No. There are no binders, fillers or preservatives added into the capsules. The content is 100% your placenta.


What is a Tincture?

A placenta tincture preserves the placenta’s medicinal qualities for lifelong use. It is processed by taking a very small portion of the raw placenta and placing it in a prepared solution of high grade alcohol for a minimum of 6 weeks. It is suitable for consumption through the maternal lineage (grandmother, mother, daughter). 

Interested? Please email or book your complimentary placenta encapsulation consultation so we can discuss how I can best support you. 

Place your deposit today.